Thursday night was my first class in SLR Digital Photography at The Light Factory. (Spirit Square) It was really cold out, and I was in day 5 of this flu bug that S and I both have right now, so I wasn't feeling 100%.
Right off I met the woman who is going to be teaching the portraiture class that S will be taking in a few weeks. She was really nice and she found out where our class had been moved. I also met another student, Gary, and he was really nice as well. He recently retired from being an air traffic controller after 30 years, but he didn't really look that old to me. When I told him that I had also retired from MS in October, I thought that the woman sitting next to me who was apparently eaves-dropping was going to swallow her tongue. (serves her right)
Anyway, Gary seems to be really sharp and is doing this as a hobby. The really scary part is that there are 2 or 3 folks in this class who are planning to do this for a living, and one of them is going to photograph a wedding in a few weeks. (keep in mind this is a beginners class) Well, I do hope that they do not charge the wedding people for their work! Once lady didn't even have a camera yet, she is going to borrow one.
Everyone else had their own equipment, but I was the only one who actually had pro level equipment. That's a bit scary as well, since some are going to do pro work apparently.
Ok, Louise is licking my leg, and it is really starting to get on my nerves. Smelly cat had her check up this week as well, and doc says she's in good shape for an old lady. She's even lost a bit of weight, and that's good. He does want to clean her teeth however, so I'll have to save up the $150 and maybe take her back to the vet in February. (she does have bad breath)
Back to class. It started out a bit slow, talking about data disks, using your computer, formatting and deleting files. . . so I took a little nap. Then we got on to the good stuff and talked about f-stop, and white balance. Brian gave us some homework to do with bracketing our exposures, and we got a chance to learn a bit more about our cameras.
Turns out that I know a bit more than I thought that I did about photography. There's another lady in the class that seems to be in the same boat, and I could tell that she was also glad to get to the more interesting topics as well.
There is a helper in the class who helps people with their cameras, but he doesn't know anything about mine, and isn't really a help to me so I just look it up in the book. Besides, he's a smoker and has that fragrance issue if you know what I mean.
Anyway, first class was fine, but it really would have been better if I could have been able to breath better. We were in a nice gallery, and the temperature was good, so I was mostly comfortable and I made a friend or 2 so that's good. They all want me to bring card for them from the lab, so that's good.
Ok, well Louise has started chewing the network cable again so I better go for now. I want to check out that new show tonight after the football,
Numb3rs. It looks like it will be good, and kind of goes along with a dream that I had last night. I'll have to fill you in on that one another time, it is a bit complicated and involves calculus.