Friday, November 19, 2004

Louise is looking at me

This cat thinks that she is the center of the universe. If I can't sleep, then I must certainly be up so that I can pet her, right? Louise is most definitely my cat.

So I can't sleep, and this cat is just looking at me with those eyes and I'm eating jelly toast and drinking milk. My friend Suz made the best peach preserves, and I still have half a jar left. They are so good!

Steve woke up while I was still deciding if I wanted to get up and get a snack or not, and he said the most brilliant thing. "If you didn't stay up so late, you wouldn't sleep in every morning." Duh. Some people really shouldn't try to be brilliant at 1:30am.

Anyway, I've been thinking about a couple of my friends, and wondering how they are doing. I'm also very excited about the trip that my mom and I are planning. We have booked a cruise and will be leaving in December. (Steve's staying home with the cats!) I've also been thinking about how we're going to manage our booth at the trade show, and about our apres show event that we will be hosting at the Hyatt. I guess I should make some notes so that I don't have to walk around with all of those plans in my head. I'll have to order the printed materials very soon as well, but since we are the print lab, that shouldn't be much of a stretch.

Steve seems a bit down lately, so I've been worried about him as well. Not sure how to help him exactly, but he sure is offloading a whole lot of account stuff on me, so I guess that helps him. The books really don't take much time since he did such a great job setting them up initially. The only piece that is missing at this point is payroll. We have to get that going so that we can show some earned income next year. Greg us supposed to come over and help us get that setup, but he's really hard to pin down since the new store is opening in January.

I haven't had a chance to work with our lab customers yet, but now that I'm doing their billing I should be able to meet them over the phone. I'd like to start calling some of our accounts that have slowed down a bit just to see what's up and to introduce myself to them. I think it will be a lot more fun for me once I get to work more closely with the photographers. I'm also excited about going to school at the Light Factory in Charlotte. That should start in January.

Well, I'm starting to get a little sleepy so I think I'll call it a night.

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