Friday, November 12, 2004

today is one of those days

Yes, this is one of those days when I wish that I had my old job back at Microsoft. I might even go so far as to say that I miss my old job at Microsoft.

I had great news yesterday. . .was able to get a particularly difficult account to agree to meet with us on Tuesday and then have lunch so that was very good progress. And I was told that if I close all of the business that I have in the pipeline for Steve Lyons Photography, then I have met quota and can stop. (otherwise he'll have more than he can do)

Yesterday was also a banner day for USPhotoLab. Plans are coming along nicely for the trade show in NO. We have hired a model for the booth, we have shirts and hats being made with the USPhotoLab logo and I had some ideas for apre show activities that we can do to generate more business for the lab. All in all a very productive week.

However, the rage must stop. If anything goes wrong, there is a rage. (and I mean ANYTHING)

Can't take this. . .I'm not used to it and don't want to get used to it. Humm. . .at least at MS no one ever totally lost their marbles with me.

. . .and if he "misplaces" just one more battery. . .and these are your really expensive items, that you just can't pick up at the CVS.

Anyway. We'll see how this weekend goes with one horse race and then a cheerleading competition on Sunday.

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