Saturday, December 04, 2004

Guess I'll never understand

Ok, I just don't get it. The most grotesque person in the world can walk by a child on the street without any reaction from the child. But put someone in a Santa suit, sit back and wait to hear them all scream bloody murder!

I don't get it.

If I never hear Ho Ho Ho again, or see one more running nose, it will be too soon. So glad that Santa session is over. And I swore, on my Martha Stewart cookbook, to never work a Santa shoot ever again. . .unless I get to use real bullets.

I mean it.

There was one couple that just couldn't seem to manage to make a decision about anything! I later found out from Santa. . .who truly does know everything. . .that she is on medication and has special "issues". Go figure!

Made one couple NOT laugh. They were on opposite sides of their child, each yelling "smile" so the child looked confused. All I said was "well it won't be the first time that a child will be confused by its parents." What?? I wasn't trying to be mean. . .just honest.

Oh well, NEVER, mark my words I said NEVER will I do that again. Santa and Steve got together and decided to plan some kind of event for next year, but I'll have no part.

Merry Christmas. . .Bah

1 comment:

CLL said...

Yeah. . .not sure what we were thinking, but once you have done an event like this for a couple of years, they sort of expect you do keep doing it. I've already told them this was our last year. . . I am sure that I've lost some brain cells along the way. . .no doubt.